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The syntax to edit xml is very intuitive, first of all we need to define a Modification Rule and then pass it as argument to transform method provided via extensions methods in NodeSeq class. transform method will return the XML edited wrapped in F[_].

A modification rule is composed by:

Note: Integrated with AdvXml there are implicits in order to add a more fluent syntax for rule creation. Each example is written with fluent syntax using implicits but commented you can see the “Desugared” version.




//Scala imports
import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import scala.util.Try
import cats.instances.try_.*

//Advxml imports
import advxml.transform.XmlRule
import advxml.transform.XmlZoom.root
import advxml.transform.XmlModifier.*
import advxml.implicits.*

val doc: Elem =
    <Person Name="Mimmo">
        <Car Brand="Fiat"/>
// doc: Elem = <Persons>
//     <Person Name="Mimmo">
//       <Cars>
//         <Car Brand="Fiat"/>
//       </Cars>
//     </Person>
//   </Persons>

val rule: XmlRule = root.Person.Cars ==> Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>)
// rule: XmlRule = Composable(Unbinded(List(Down(Person), Down(Cars))),List(Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>)))

//  Desugared
//  val rule: XmlRule = root
//    .down("Person")
//    .down("Cars")
//    .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>))

val result: Try[NodeSeq] = doc.transform[Try](rule)
// result: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<Persons><Person Name="Mimmo"><Cars>
//         <Car Brand="Fiat"/>
//       <Car Brand="Lamborghini"/></Cars></Person></Persons>)

Combine rules

We can combine rules using an abstraction hover the XmlRule class, the AbstractRule(this name can change in the future). AbstractRule allow us to combine rules with And and OrElse operators, moreover using a similar logic as OrElse we can describe a rule as Optional, doing this if the rule fails it returns the xml document passed as input.

Given R1 and R2 where are both two simple rule when combine them we have the following behavior:


import advxml.transform.{AbstractRule, ComposableXmlRule}

import scala.xml.*
import scala.util.*

//val doc: NodeSeq = <Root></Root>
val r1: ComposableXmlRule = root ==> Append(<Node1/>)
// r1: ComposableXmlRule = Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>)))
val r2: ComposableXmlRule = root ==> Append(<Node1/>)
// r2: ComposableXmlRule = Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>)))

//Will try to apply both R1 and R2
val r1AndR2: AbstractRule = r1.and(r2)
// r1AndR2: AbstractRule = And(Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>))),Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>))))

//Will try to apply R1, if it fails will apply R2, if R2 fails r1OrR2 fails
val r1OrR2: AbstractRule = r1.orElse(r2)
// r1OrR2: AbstractRule = OrElse(Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>))),Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>))))

//Will try to apply R1, even if it fails r1Optional will success but in case R1 fails the out is the input document without changes
val r1Optional: AbstractRule = r1.optional
// r1Optional: AbstractRule = Optional(Composable(Unbinded(List()),List(Append(<Node1/>))))

Combine modifiers

If we need apply more than one modification on a selected node you can combine actions calling again withModifier method, or using some sugared syntax ==>.

Doing this we can specify another XmlModifier to combine. It can be a ComposableXmlModifier or a FinalXmlModifier. As suggested by the name, if we pass a FinalXmlModifier there is no more the possibility to continue the chain.

Actually the only implementation of FinalXmlModifier is just the Delete action, in this way we prevent at compile time the deletion of a node before other actions, if you use Delete you can not do anything else on that node.


import scala.xml.*
import scala.util.*
import advxml.implicits.*

val myDoc: Elem =
    <Person Name="Mimmo">
        <Car Brand="Fiat"/>
// myDoc: Elem = <Persons>
//     <Person Name="Mimmo">
//       <Cars>
//         <Car Brand="Fiat"/>
//       </Cars>
//     </Person>
//   </Persons>

//you can use postfixOps and remove dots and useless brackets 
val rule = root.Person.Cars 
            .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>))
            .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Ferrari"/>))
            .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Bmw"/>))
// rule: ComposableXmlRule = Composable(Unbinded(List(Down(Person), Down(Cars))),List(Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>), Append(<Car Brand="Ferrari"/>), Append(<Car Brand="Bmw"/>)))

//  Desugared
//  val rules: XmlRule = root
//      .down("Person")
//      .down("Cars")
//      .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>))
//      .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Ferrari"/>))
//      .withModifier(Append(<Car Brand="Bmw"/>))

val result: Try[NodeSeq] = myDoc.transform[Try](rule)  
// result: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<Persons><Person Name="Mimmo"><Cars>
//         <Car Brand="Fiat"/>
//       <Car Brand="Lamborghini"/><Car Brand="Ferrari"/><Car Brand="Bmw"/></Cars></Person></Persons>)

You can also use the Monoid implementation provided in the instances to combine multiple ComposableXmlModifier

import cats.kernel.Monoid

import scala.xml.*
import scala.util.*
import cats.syntax.monoid.*
import advxml.transform.*

val m1: ComposableXmlModifier = Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>)
// m1: ComposableXmlModifier = Append(<Car Brand="Lamborghini"/>)
val m2: ComposableXmlModifier = Append(<Car Brand="Ferrari"/>)
// m2: ComposableXmlModifier = Append(<Car Brand="Ferrari"/>)
val m3: ComposableXmlModifier = Append(<Car Brand="Tesla"/>)
// m3: ComposableXmlModifier = Append(<Car Brand="Tesla"/>)

val m4: ComposableXmlModifier = Monoid.combineAll(Seq(m1, m2, m3))
// m4: ComposableXmlModifier = advxml.transform.ComposableXmlModifierInstances$$anon$1$$anon$2@72527b7a
val m4Sugar: ComposableXmlModifier = m1 |+| m2 |+| m3
// m4Sugar: ComposableXmlModifier = advxml.transform.ComposableXmlModifierInstances$$anon$1$$anon$2@140d1026

Root transformation

If we need to edit the document root we can use root as zoom action. root value is provided by advxml.instances.transform.*


import scala.xml.*
import scala.util.*

//import MonadError instance for Try
import cats.instances.try_.*

val doc: Elem = <Root/>
// doc: Elem = <Root/>
val result: Try[NodeSeq] = doc.transform[Try](root ==> SetAttrs(k"Attr1" := v"TEST"))
// result: Try[NodeSeq] = Success(<Root Attr1="TEST"/>)