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How to create a new route


  1. Create route tests
  2. Create route endpoint definition
  3. Create route implementation
  4. Add route to service routes

1. Create route tests


2. Create route endpoint definition

The package [...].infra.route.endpoint contains only the endpoint api definition and the contract model. So, to create a new endpoint definition we have to:

└── [...]infra.route.endpoint
    └── [CONTEXT]
      ├── contract
      | └──  [... all models ...]
      └── [CONTEXT]EndpointApi.scala


Once create out object should be like this:

private[route] object UserEndpointApi {}

Let’s define our private common endpoint for our context

private val user: Endpoint[Unit, Unit, Unit, Any] ="user")

Once done we can define our real endpoint, in this example we define an endpoint to get user information by Id


  //new type placed in domain model package
  case class UserId(value: Long) extends AnyVal
  val getById: Endpoint[UserId, UserEndpointError, UserContract, Any] =

In our contract package we have our models, both private for route package because we don’t want use these class outside that package

private[route] case class UserContract(id: Long, name: String, surname: String)

private[route] sealed trait UserEndpointError
private[route] object UserEndpointError {
  case class UserNotFound(userId: UserId) extends UserEndpointError

2. Create route implementation


3. Add route to service routes